use std::{
fs::{self, create_dir_all, read_to_string},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use clap::{ArgEnum, Args};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use sha1::{Digest, Sha1};
use swc_common::{SourceMap, GLOBALS};
use tempfile::TempDir;
use crate::{
util::{all_js_files, parse_js, print_js, ChildGuard},
/// Reduce input files to minimal reproduction cases
/// This command requires `creduce` and `terser` in PATH.
/// For `creduce`, see for more information.
/// If you are using homebrew, install it with `brew install creduce`.
/// For `terser`, this command uses `npx terser` to invoke `terser` for
/// comparison.
/// After reducing, the reduced file will be moved to `.swc-reduce` directory.
/// Note: This tool is not perfect, and it may reduce input file way too much,
/// or fail to reduce an input file.
#[derive(Debug, Args)]
pub struct ReduceCommand {
/// The path to the input file. You can specify a directory if you want to
/// reduce every '.js' file within a directory, in a recursive manner.
pub path: PathBuf,
/// In 'size' mode, this command tries to find the minimal input file where
/// the size of the output file of swc minifier is larger than the one from
/// terser.
/// In 'semantics' mode, this command tries to reduce the input file to a
/// minimal reproduction case which triggers the bug.
#[clap(long, arg_enum)]
pub mode: ReduceMode,
/// If true, the input file will be removed after the reduction. This can be
/// used for pausing and resuming the process of reducing.
pub remove: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, ArgEnum)]
pub enum ReduceMode {
impl ReduceCommand {
pub fn run(self, cm: Arc<SourceMap>) -> Result<()> {
let js_files = all_js_files(&self.path)?;
GLOBALS.with(|globals| {
.map(|path| GLOBALS.set(globals, || self.reduce_file(cm.clone(), &path)))
fn reduce_file(&self, cm: Arc<SourceMap>, src_path: &Path) -> Result<()> {
// Strip comments to workaround a bug of creduce
let fm = cm.load_file(src_path).context("failed to prepare file")?;
let m = parse_js(fm)?;
let code = print_js(cm, &m.module, false)?;
fs::write(src_path, code.as_bytes()).context("failed to strip comments")?;
let dir = TempDir::new().context("failed to create a temp directory")?;
let input = dir.path().join("input.js");
fs::copy(src_path, &input).context("failed to copy")?;
let mut c = Command::new("creduce");
match self.mode {
ReduceMode::Size => "SIZE",
ReduceMode::Semantics => "SEMANTICS",
c.env(CREDUCE_INPUT_ENV_VAR, &input);
let exe = current_exe()?;
let mut child = ChildGuard(c.spawn().context("failed to run creduce")?);
let status = child.0.wait().context("failed to wait for creduce")?;
if status.success() {
if let Some(1) = status.code() {
if self.remove {
fs::remove_file(src_path).context("failed to remove")?;
} else {
dbg!(&status, status.code());
fn move_to_data_dir(input_path: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let src = read_to_string(input_path).context("failed to read input file")?;
// create a Sha1 object
let mut hasher = Sha1::new();
// process input message
// acquire hash digest in the form of GenericArray,
// which in this case is equivalent to [u8; 20]
let result = hasher.finalize();
let hash_str = format!("{:x}", result);
create_dir_all(format!(".swc-reduce/{}", hash_str)).context("failed to create `.data`")?;
let to = PathBuf::from(format!(".swc-reduce/{}/input.js", hash_str));
fs::write(&to, src.as_bytes()).context("failed to write")?;