use copyless::BoxHelper;
use swc_ecma_ast::{ClassDecl, Decl, FnDecl, UsingDecl, VarDecl, VarDeclKind, VarDeclarator};
use swc_estree_ast::{
ClassBody, ClassDeclaration, Declaration, FunctionDeclaration, UsingDeclaration,
VariableDeclaration, VariableDeclarationKind, VariableDeclarator,
use crate::babelify::{extract_class_body_span, Babelify, Context};
impl Babelify for Decl {
type Output = Declaration;
fn babelify(self, ctx: &Context) -> Self::Output {
match self {
Decl::Class(d) => Declaration::ClassDecl(d.babelify(ctx)),
Decl::Fn(d) => Declaration::FuncDecl(d.babelify(ctx)),
Decl::Var(d) => Declaration::VarDecl(d.babelify(ctx)),
Decl::Using(d) => Declaration::UsingDecl(d.babelify(ctx)),
Decl::TsInterface(d) => Declaration::TSInterfaceDecl(d.babelify(ctx)),
Decl::TsTypeAlias(d) => Declaration::TSTypeAliasDecl(d.babelify(ctx)),
Decl::TsEnum(d) => Declaration::TSEnumDecl(d.babelify(ctx)),
Decl::TsModule(d) => Declaration::TSModuleDecl(d.babelify(ctx)),
impl Babelify for FnDecl {
type Output = FunctionDeclaration;
fn babelify(self, ctx: &Context) -> Self::Output {
let func = self.function.babelify(ctx);
FunctionDeclaration {
base: func.base,
id: Some(self.ident.babelify(ctx)),
params: func.params,
body: func.body,
generator: func.generator,
is_async: func.is_async,
expression: false,
return_type: func.return_type,
type_parameters: func.type_parameters,
impl Babelify for ClassDecl {
type Output = ClassDeclaration;
fn babelify(self, ctx: &Context) -> Self::Output {
let is_abstract = self.class.is_abstract;
// NOTE: The body field needs a bit of special handling because babel
// represents the body as a node, whereas swc represents it as a vector of
// statements. This means that swc does not have a span corresponding the
// class body base node for babel. To solve this, we generate a new span
// starting from the end of the identifier to the end of the body.
// For example,
// babel ClassBody node starts here
// v
// class MyClass {
// a = 0;
// }
// ^
// and ends here
// TODO: Verify that this implementation of class body span is correct.
// It may need to be modified to take into account implements, super classes,
// etc.
let body_span = extract_class_body_span(&self.class, ctx);
let class = self.class.babelify(ctx);
ClassDeclaration {
base: class.base,
id: self.ident.babelify(ctx),
super_class:|s| Box::alloc().init(*s)),
body: ClassBody {
base: ctx.base(body_span),
decorators: class.decorators,
is_abstract: Some(is_abstract),
declare: Some(self.declare),
implements: class.implements,
mixins: class.mixins,
super_type_parameters: class.super_type_parameters,
type_parameters: class.type_parameters,
impl Babelify for VarDecl {
type Output = VariableDeclaration;
fn babelify(self, ctx: &Context) -> Self::Output {
VariableDeclaration {
base: ctx.base(self.span),
kind: self.kind.babelify(ctx),
declare: Some(self.declare),
declarations: self.decls.babelify(ctx),
impl Babelify for VarDeclKind {
type Output = VariableDeclarationKind;
fn babelify(self, _ctx: &Context) -> Self::Output {
match self {
VarDeclKind::Var => VariableDeclarationKind::Var,
VarDeclKind::Let => VariableDeclarationKind::Let,
VarDeclKind::Const => VariableDeclarationKind::Const,
impl Babelify for VarDeclarator {
type Output = VariableDeclarator;
fn babelify(self, ctx: &Context) -> Self::Output {
VariableDeclarator {
base: ctx.base(self.span),
init:|i| Box::alloc().init(i.babelify(ctx).into())),
definite: Some(self.definite),
impl Babelify for UsingDecl {
type Output = UsingDeclaration;
fn babelify(self, ctx: &Context) -> Self::Output {
UsingDeclaration {
base: ctx.base(self.span),
declarations: self.decls.babelify(ctx),