use std::{path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use swc_common::sync::Lazy;
use wasmer::Store;
use wasmer_wasix::Runtime;
/// A shared instance to plugin runtime engine.
/// ref: https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/issues/3793#issuecomment-1607117480
static ENGINE: Lazy<Mutex<wasmer::Engine>> = Lazy::new(|| {
// Use empty enumset to disable simd.
use enumset::EnumSet;
use wasmer::{
sys::{BaseTunables, EngineBuilder},
CompilerConfig, Target, Triple,
let mut set = EnumSet::new();
// [TODO]: Should we use is_x86_feature_detected! macro instead?
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
let target = Target::new(Triple::host(), set);
let config = wasmer_compiler_cranelift::Cranelift::default();
let mut engine = EngineBuilder::new(Box::new(config) as Box<dyn CompilerConfig>)
let tunables = BaseTunables::for_target(engine.target());
/// Dummy http client for wasix runtime to avoid instantiation failure for the
/// default pluggable runtime. We don't support network in the host runtime
/// anyway (we init vnet instead), and for the default runtime mostly it's for
/// the wapm registry which is redundant for the plugin.
struct StubHttpClient;
impl wasmer_wasix::http::HttpClient for StubHttpClient {
fn request(
_request: wasmer_wasix::http::HttpRequest,
) -> futures::future::BoxFuture<'_, Result<wasmer_wasix::http::HttpResponse, anyhow::Error>>
/// Construct a runtime for the wasix engine depends on the compilation
/// features.
/// This is mainly for the case if a host already sets up its runtime, which
/// makes wasix initialization fails due to conflicting runtime. When specified,
/// instead of using default runtime it'll try to use shared one.
pub fn build_wasi_runtime(
_fs_cache_path: Option<PathBuf>,
) -> Option<Arc<dyn Runtime + Send + Sync>> {
use wasmer_wasix::{
module_cache::{ModuleCache, SharedCache},
virtual_net, PluggableRuntime,
let cache =
let dummy_loader = UnsupportedPackageLoader;
let rt = PluggableRuntime {
rt: Arc::new(TokioTaskManager::default()),
networking: Arc::new(virtual_net::UnsupportedVirtualNetworking::default()),
engine: Some(ENGINE.lock().clone()),
tty: None,
source: Arc::new(MultiSource::new()),
module_cache: Arc::new(cache),
http_client: None,
package_loader: Arc::new(dummy_loader),
/// Creates an instnace of [Store] with custom engine instead of default one to
/// disable simd for certain platform targets
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub(crate) fn new_store() -> Store {
let engine = ENGINE.lock().clone();
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub(crate) fn new_store() -> Store {