use std::{borrow::Cow, f64::consts::PI, str};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use swc_atoms::{Atom, StaticString};
use swc_css_ast::*;
use swc_css_visit::{VisitMut, VisitMutWith};
pub struct IdentReplacer<'a> {
from: &'a str,
to: &'a str,
impl VisitMut for IdentReplacer<'_> {
fn visit_mut_ident(&mut self, n: &mut Ident) {
if n.value.eq_ignore_ascii_case(self.from) {
n.value = self.to.into();
n.raw = None;
pub fn replace_ident<N>(node: &mut N, from: &str, to: &str)
N: for<'aa> VisitMutWith<IdentReplacer<'aa>>,
node.visit_mut_with(&mut IdentReplacer { from, to });
pub struct FunctionNameReplacer<'a> {
from: &'a str,
to: &'a str,
impl VisitMut for FunctionNameReplacer<'_> {
fn visit_mut_function(&mut self, n: &mut Function) {
match &mut n.name {
FunctionName::Ident(name) if name.value.eq_ignore_ascii_case(self.from) => {
name.value = self.to.into();
name.raw = None;
FunctionName::DashedIdent(name) if name.value.eq_ignore_ascii_case(self.from) => {
name.value = self.to.into();
name.raw = None;
_ => {}
pub fn replace_function_name<N>(node: &mut N, from: &str, to: &str)
N: for<'aa> VisitMutWith<FunctionNameReplacer<'aa>>,
node.visit_mut_with(&mut FunctionNameReplacer { from, to });
pub struct PseudoClassSelectorNameReplacer<'a> {
from: &'a str,
to: &'a str,
impl VisitMut for PseudoClassSelectorNameReplacer<'_> {
fn visit_mut_pseudo_class_selector(&mut self, n: &mut PseudoClassSelector) {
if &*n.name.value == self.from {
n.name.value = self.to.into();
n.name.raw = None;
pub fn replace_pseudo_class_selector_name<N>(node: &mut N, from: &str, to: &str)
N: for<'aa> VisitMutWith<PseudoClassSelectorNameReplacer<'aa>>,
node.visit_mut_with(&mut PseudoClassSelectorNameReplacer { from, to });
pub struct PseudoElementSelectorNameReplacer<'a> {
from: &'a str,
to: &'a str,
impl VisitMut for PseudoElementSelectorNameReplacer<'_> {
fn visit_mut_pseudo_element_selector(&mut self, n: &mut PseudoElementSelector) {
if &*n.name.value == self.from {
n.name.value = self.to.into();
n.name.raw = None;
pub fn replace_pseudo_element_selector_name<N>(node: &mut N, from: &str, to: &str)
N: for<'aa> VisitMutWith<PseudoElementSelectorNameReplacer<'aa>>,
node.visit_mut_with(&mut PseudoElementSelectorNameReplacer { from, to });
pub struct PseudoElementOnPseudoClassReplacer<'a> {
from: &'a str,
to: &'a str,
impl VisitMut for PseudoElementOnPseudoClassReplacer<'_> {
fn visit_mut_subclass_selector(&mut self, n: &mut SubclassSelector) {
match n {
SubclassSelector::PseudoElement(PseudoElementSelector { name, span, .. })
if &*name.value == self.from =>
*n = SubclassSelector::PseudoClass(PseudoClassSelector {
span: *span,
name: Ident {
span: name.span,
value: self.to.into(),
raw: None,
children: None,
_ => {}
pub fn replace_pseudo_class_selector_on_pseudo_element_selector<N>(
node: &mut N,
from: &str,
to: &str,
) where
N: for<'aa> VisitMutWith<PseudoElementOnPseudoClassReplacer<'aa>>,
node.visit_mut_with(&mut PseudoElementOnPseudoClassReplacer { from, to });
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct NamedColor {
pub hex: String,
pub rgb: Vec<u8>,
pub static NAMED_COLORS: Lazy<FxHashMap<StaticString, NamedColor>> = Lazy::new(|| {
.expect("failed to parse named-colors.json for html entities")
fn is_escape_not_required(value: &str) -> bool {
if value.is_empty() {
return true;
if value.as_bytes()[0].is_ascii_digit() {
return false;
if value.len() == 1 && value.as_bytes()[0] == b'-' {
return false;
if value.len() >= 2 && value.as_bytes()[0] == b'-' && value.as_bytes()[1].is_ascii_digit() {
return false;
value.chars().all(|c| {
match c {
'\x00' => false,
'\x01'..='\x1f' | '\x7F' => false,
'-' | '_' => true,
_ if !c.is_ascii()
|| c.is_ascii_digit()
|| c.is_ascii_uppercase()
|| c.is_ascii_lowercase() =>
_ => false,
pub fn serialize_ident(value: &str, minify: bool) -> Cow<'_, str> {
if is_escape_not_required(value) {
return Cow::Borrowed(value);
let mut result = String::with_capacity(value.len());
for (i, c) in value.chars().enumerate() {
match c {
'\x00' => {
'\x01'..='\x1f' | '\x7F' => {
result.push_str(&hex_escape(c as u8, minify));
'0'..='9' if i == 0 => {
result.push_str(&hex_escape(c as u8, minify));
'0'..='9' if i == 1 && &value[0..1] == "-" => {
result.push_str(&hex_escape(c as u8, minify));
'-' if i == 0 && value.len() == 1 => {
result.push_str(&hex_escape(c as u8, minify));
_ if !c.is_ascii()
|| c == '-'
|| c == '_'
|| c.is_ascii_digit()
|| c.is_ascii_uppercase()
|| c.is_ascii_lowercase() =>
_ => {
let bytes = [b'\\', c as u8];
result.push_str(unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(&bytes) });
fn hex_escape(ascii_byte: u8, _minify: bool) -> String {
static HEX_DIGITS: &[u8; 16] = b"0123456789abcdef";
if ascii_byte > 0x0f {
let high = (ascii_byte >> 4) as usize;
let low = (ascii_byte & 0x0f) as usize;
unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[b'\\', HEX_DIGITS[high], HEX_DIGITS[low], b' ']) }
} else {
unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(&[b'\\', HEX_DIGITS[ascii_byte as usize], b' ']) }
pub fn hwb_to_rgb(hwb: [f64; 3]) -> [f64; 3] {
let [h, w, b] = hwb;
if w + b >= 1.0 {
let gray = w / (w + b);
return [gray, gray, gray];
let mut rgb = hsl_to_rgb([h, 1.0, 0.5]);
for item in &mut rgb {
*item *= 1.0 - w - b;
*item += w;
[rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2]]
pub fn hsl_to_rgb(hsl: [f64; 3]) -> [f64; 3] {
let [h, s, l] = hsl;
let r;
let g;
let b;
if s == 0.0 {
r = l;
g = l;
b = l;
} else {
let f = |n: f64| -> f64 {
let k = (n + h / 30.0) % 12.0;
let a = s * f64::min(l, 1.0 - l);
l - a * f64::min(k - 3.0, 9.0 - k).clamp(-1.0, 1.0)
r = f(0.0);
g = f(8.0);
b = f(4.0);
[r, g, b]
pub fn to_rgb255(abc: [f64; 3]) -> [f64; 3] {
let mut abc255 = abc;
for item in &mut abc255 {
*item *= 255.0;
pub fn clamp_unit_f64(val: f64) -> u8 {
(val * 255.).round().clamp(0., 255.) as u8
pub fn round_alpha(alpha: f64) -> f64 {
let mut rounded_alpha = (alpha * 100.).round() / 100.;
if clamp_unit_f64(rounded_alpha) != clamp_unit_f64(alpha) {
rounded_alpha = (alpha * 1000.).round() / 1000.;
fn from_hex(c: u8) -> u8 {
match c {
b'0'..=b'9' => c - b'0',
b'a'..=b'f' => c - b'a' + 10,
b'A'..=b'F' => c - b'A' + 10,
_ => {
pub fn hex_to_rgba(hex: &str) -> (u8, u8, u8, f64) {
let hex = hex.as_bytes();
match hex.len() {
8 => {
let r = from_hex(hex[0]) * 16 + from_hex(hex[1]);
let g = from_hex(hex[2]) * 16 + from_hex(hex[3]);
let b = from_hex(hex[4]) * 16 + from_hex(hex[5]);
let a = (from_hex(hex[6]) * 16 + from_hex(hex[7])) as f64 / 255.0;
(r, g, b, a)
4 => {
let r = from_hex(hex[0]) * 17;
let g = from_hex(hex[1]) * 17;
let b = from_hex(hex[2]) * 17;
let a = (from_hex(hex[3]) * 17) as f64 / 255.0;
(r, g, b, a)
_ => {
pub fn angle_to_deg(value: f64, from: &Atom) -> f64 {
match &*from.to_ascii_lowercase() {
"deg" => value,
"grad" => value * 180.0 / 200.0,
"turn" => value * 360.0,
"rad" => value * 180.0 / PI,
_ => {
unreachable!("Unknown angle type: {:?}", from);