use std::{borrow::Cow, fmt::Debug, hash::Hash};
use swc_common::EqIgnoreSpan;
use swc_ecma_ast::{Expr, MemberProp};
/// A newtype that will ignore Span while doing `eq` or `hash`.
pub struct NodeIgnoringSpan<'a, Node: ToOwned + Debug>(Cow<'a, Node>);
impl<Node: ToOwned + Debug> Debug for NodeIgnoringSpan<'_, Node> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl<'a, Node: ToOwned + Debug> NodeIgnoringSpan<'a, Node> {
pub fn borrowed(expr: &'a Node) -> Self {
pub fn owned(expr: <Node as ToOwned>::Owned) -> Self {
impl<Node: EqIgnoreSpan + ToOwned + Debug> PartialEq for NodeIgnoringSpan<'_, Node> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl<Node: EqIgnoreSpan + ToOwned + Debug> Eq for NodeIgnoringSpan<'_, Node> {}
// TODO: This is only a workaround for Expr. we need something like
// `hash_ignore_span` for each node in the end.
impl Hash for NodeIgnoringSpan<'_, Expr> {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
// In pratice, most of cases/input we are dealing with are Expr::Member or
// Expr::Ident.
match &*self.0 {
Expr::Ident(i) => {
Expr::Member(i) => {
if let MemberProp::Ident(prop) = &i.prop {
_ => {
// Other expression kinds would fallback to the same empty hash.
// So, they will spend linear time to do comparisons.