extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{Item as SynItem, ItemFn};
pub fn plugin_transform(
_args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let token = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(input);
let parsed_results = syn::parse2::<SynItem>(token).expect("Failed to parse tokens");
match parsed_results {
SynItem::Fn(func) => handle_func(func, Ident::new("Program", Span::call_site())),
_ => panic!("Please confirm if plugin macro is specified for the function"),
pub fn css_plugin_transform(
_args: proc_macro::TokenStream,
input: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
let token = proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(input);
let parsed_results = syn::parse2::<SynItem>(token).expect("Failed to parse tokens");
match parsed_results {
SynItem::Fn(func) => handle_func(func, Ident::new("Stylesheet", Span::call_site())),
_ => panic!("Please confirm if plugin macro is specified for the function"),
fn handle_func(func: ItemFn, ast_type: Ident) -> TokenStream {
let ident = func.sig.ident.clone();
let transform_process_impl_ident =
Ident::new("__transform_plugin_process_impl", Span::call_site());
let transform_core_pkg_diag_ident =
Ident::new("__get_transform_plugin_core_pkg_diag", Span::call_site());
let ret = quote! {
// Declaration for imported function from swc host.
// Refer swc_plugin_runner for the actual implementation.
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] // Allow testing
extern "C" {
fn __set_transform_result(bytes_ptr: u32, bytes_ptr_len: u32);
fn __set_transform_plugin_core_pkg_diagnostics(bytes_ptr: u32, bytes_ptr_len: u32);
fn __emit_diagnostics(bytes_ptr: u32, bytes_ptr_len: u32);
/// An emitter for the Diagnostic in plugin's context by borrowing host's
/// environment context.
/// It is not expected to call this directly inside of plugin transform.
/// Instead, it is encouraged to use global HANDLER.
pub struct PluginDiagnosticsEmitter;
impl swc_core::common::errors::Emitter for PluginDiagnosticsEmitter {
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), allow(unused))]
fn emit(&mut self, db: &swc_core::common::errors::DiagnosticBuilder<'_>) {
let diag = swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::PluginSerializedBytes::try_serialize(&swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::VersionedSerializable::new(*db.diagnostic.clone()))
.expect("Should able to serialize Diagnostic");
let (ptr, len) = diag.as_ptr();
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] // Allow testing
unsafe {
__emit_diagnostics(ptr as u32, len as u32);
/// Call hosts's imported fn to set transform results.
/// __set_transform_result is host side imported fn, which read and copies guest's byte into host.
fn send_transform_result_to_host(bytes_ptr: u32, bytes_ptr_len: u32) {
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] // Allow testing
unsafe {
__set_transform_result(bytes_ptr, bytes_ptr_len);
/// Internal function plugin_macro uses to create ptr to PluginError.
fn construct_error_ptr(plugin_error: swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::PluginError) -> u32 {
let ret = swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::PluginSerializedBytes::try_serialize(&swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::VersionedSerializable::new(plugin_error)).expect("Should able to serialize PluginError");
let (ptr, len) = ret.as_ptr();
ptr as _,
len as u32
pub fn #transform_core_pkg_diag_ident() -> u32 {
let schema_version = swc_core::common::plugin::PLUGIN_TRANSFORM_AST_SCHEMA_VERSION;
let core_pkg_diag = swc_core::diagnostics::get_core_engine_diagnostics();
let result = swc_core::common::plugin::diagnostics::PluginCorePkgDiagnostics {
ast_schema_version: schema_version,
pkg_version: core_pkg_diag.package_semver,
git_sha: core_pkg_diag.git_sha,
cargo_features: core_pkg_diag.cargo_features,
let serialized_result = swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::PluginSerializedBytes::try_serialize(
).expect("Diagnostics should be always serializable");
let (serialized_result_ptr, serialized_result_ptr_len) = serialized_result.as_ptr();
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] // Allow testing
unsafe {
__set_transform_plugin_core_pkg_diagnostics(serialized_result_ptr as _, serialized_result_ptr_len as u32);
// Macro to allow compose plugin's transform function without manual pointer operation.
// Internally it wraps pointer operation also bubbles up error in forms of PluginError.
// There are some cases error won't be wrapped up however - for example, we expect
// serialization of PluginError itself should succeed.
pub fn #transform_process_impl_ident(
ast_ptr: *const u8, ast_ptr_len: u32,
unresolved_mark: u32, should_enable_comments_proxy: i32) -> u32 {
// Reconstruct `Program` & config string from serialized program
// Host (SWC) should allocate memory, copy bytes and pass ptr to plugin.
let program = swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::PluginSerializedBytes::from_raw_ptr(ast_ptr, ast_ptr_len.try_into().expect("Should able to convert ptr length")).deserialize();
if program.is_err() {
let err = swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::PluginError::Deserialize("Failed to deserialize program received from host".to_string());
return construct_error_ptr(err);
let program: #ast_type = program.expect("Should be a program").into_inner();
// Create a handler wired with plugin's diagnostic emitter, set it for global context.
let handler = swc_core::common::errors::Handler::with_emitter(
// Construct metadata to the `Program` for the transform plugin.
let plugin_comments_proxy = if should_enable_comments_proxy == 1 { Some(swc_core::plugin::proxies::PluginCommentsProxy) } else { None };
let mut metadata = swc_core::plugin::metadata::TransformPluginProgramMetadata {
comments: plugin_comments_proxy,
source_map: swc_core::plugin::proxies::PluginSourceMapProxy { source_file: swc_core::common::sync::OnceCell::new() },
unresolved_mark: swc_core::common::Mark::from_u32(unresolved_mark as u32),
// Take original plugin fn ident, then call it with interop'ed args
let transformed_program = swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::VersionedSerializable::new(swc_core::common::errors::HANDLER.set(&handler, || {
#ident(program, metadata)
// Serialize transformed result, return back to the host.
let serialized_result = swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::PluginSerializedBytes::try_serialize(
if serialized_result.is_err() {
let err = swc_core::common::plugin::serialized::PluginError::Serialize("Failed to serialize transformed program".to_string());
return construct_error_ptr(err);
let serialized_result = serialized_result.expect("Should be a realized transformed program");
let (serialized_result_ptr, serialized_result_ptr_len) = serialized_result.as_ptr();
send_transform_result_to_host(serialized_result_ptr as _, serialized_result_ptr_len as u32);